[Buildroot] Flutter-engine package help wanted.

Adam Duskett aduskett at gmail.com
Thu Jul 20 02:12:52 UTC 2023


The https://gitlab.com/aduskett/buildroot-flutter.git  project is now
updated a nearly completed
flutter-engine package. I do have one concern found in the .mk file

Any help on
would be much appreciated!


On Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 7:04 PM Adam Duskett <aduskett at gmail.com> wrote:

> All;
> I updated the above buildroot repository on the flutter-dev branch, and now
> compiling flutter works with one manual step that I need to resolve.
> While compiling, it seems like the LDPATHS for one third-party module can't
> find libgcc.a, crtbeginS.o, and crtendS.o. These libraries, of course, are
> found in the toolchains directory. If I manually create symlinks to those
> files in the staging/lib directory, flutter-engine compiles successfully
> without warning.
> Feel free to review the flutter-engine package and give compiling a try:
> ```
> git clone https://gitlab.com/aduskett/buildroot-flutter.git -b flutter-dev
> cd buildroot-flutter
> make flutter_defconfig
> make flutter-engine
> ```
> Any thoughts on the LDPATH issue?
> Thanks!
> Adam
> On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 12:33 PM Adam Duskett <aduskett at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply! I am going through your notes on the repository now!
>> As for needing the .git dirs, indeed. I found someone who wants to make
>> the yocto tarball reproducible.
>> In the end he gave up:
>> https://github.com/meta-flutter/meta-flutter/issues/271
>> On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 12:16 PM Yann E. MORIN <yann.morin.1998 at free.fr>
>> wrote:
>>> Adam, All,
>>> Folloing our discussion on IRC, it turns out that I got it partly
>>> (mostly) wrong.
>>> On 2023-07-17 20:38 +0200, Yann E. MORIN spake thusly:
>>> > On 2023-07-14 20:02 -0700, Adam Duskett spake thusly:
>>> So, we do not need to download anything from the flutter repo; we just
>>> need a file, .gclient, that contains directives for gclient to perform
>>> the actual download.
>>> As an aside, gclient is like repo (another google tool, I guess), right?
>>> So, basically, what you did in your .mk looks like I would have done,
>>> except no using _DL_DIR as a scratch-dir to do the download, but in a
>>> sub-dir of the package dir (see my previous reply).
>>> Finally: gclient runs git-clone, we can't have stability in that, it's
>>> not reproducible.
>>> If the .git dirs really need to be present at configure/build time,
>>> we're borked, we can't hash the generated tarball.
>>> Regards,
>>> Yann E. MORIN.
>>> --
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>>>  conspiracy.  |
>>> '------------------------------^-------^------------------^--------------------'
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