[Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing/tests/package/test_pixz.py: use test_compressor_base

Julien Olivain ju.o at free.fr
Sat Jul 15 08:51:30 UTC 2023

The test_pixz.py test was initially written as a standalone test.

The commit cf132a13
"support/testing/tests/package/test_compressor_base.py: new helper class"
introduced a helper class for testing data compression programs.

This commit rewrites this test to use this helper class.

The test coverage is mostly the same as before the rewrite. Notable
differences are:
- the test file is slightly smaller for faster testing,
- its content layout also slightly different.

Cc: Vincent Stehlé <vincent.stehle at laposte.net>
Signed-off-by: Julien Olivain <ju.o at free.fr>
 support/testing/tests/package/test_pixz.py | 48 ++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

diff --git a/support/testing/tests/package/test_pixz.py b/support/testing/tests/package/test_pixz.py
index eeff10eaa1..6620bd4a82 100644
--- a/support/testing/tests/package/test_pixz.py
+++ b/support/testing/tests/package/test_pixz.py
@@ -1,40 +1,18 @@
-import os
+from tests.package.test_compressor_base import TestCompressorBase
-import infra.basetest
-class TestPixz(infra.basetest.BRTest):
-    config = infra.basetest.BASIC_TOOLCHAIN_CONFIG + \
+class TestPixz(TestCompressorBase):
+    __test__ = True
+    config = TestCompressorBase.config + \
-        # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR is not set
-    def test_run(self):
-        cpio_file = os.path.join(self.builddir, "images", "rootfs.cpio")
-        self.emulator.boot(arch="armv5",
-                           kernel="builtin",
-                           options=["-initrd", cpio_file])
-        self.emulator.login()
-        # Prepare input file with random data and zeroes.
-        # We keep the size small (4 MB) for the sake of test time.
-        cmd = "dd if=/dev/urandom of=orig bs=1M count=2 && " \
-              "dd if=/dev/zero of=orig bs=1M count=2 seek=2"
-        self.assertRunOk(cmd)
-        # Compress.
-        # We ask for 3 threads for good measure but with a very small file on a
-        # uniprocessor qemu this is only a light validation.
-        cmd = "cp -v orig compressed && pixz -p 3 compressed"
-        self.assertRunOk(cmd, timeout=60)
-        # Uncompress.
-        cmd = "cp -v compressed.xz uncompressed.xz && pixz -d uncompressed.xz"
-        self.assertRunOk(cmd)
-        # Verify.
-        # The ls is there for debugging.
-        cmd = "ls -l && cmp orig uncompressed"
-        self.assertRunOk(cmd)
+    compress_cmd = "pixz -p3"
+    decompress_cmd = "pixz -d"
+    compressed_file_ext = ".xz"
+    def check_integrity_test(self):
+        # Do nothing for the integrity test because "pixz" does not
+        # implement this feature. The "-t" option has other functions:
+        # https://github.com/vasi/pixz/blob/v1.0.7/src/pixz.1.asciidoc#options
+        pass

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