[Buildroot] [PATCH v3 1/1] configs/rock5b: Add patches to fix gcc12 warnings

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Sun Aug 20 19:59:21 UTC 2023

Killian, All,

On 2023-08-20 21:42 +0200, Kilian Zinnecker via buildroot spake thusly:
> Thanks as well. I don't yet fully understand how the git branches in open 
> source projects work, i.e., what exactly gets into the "next" branch (i.e., 
> how the next branch is actually defined) and what gets a release candidate "rc" 
> tag. However, I just wanted to add that imho this patch then should also get 
> into the next rc for 2023.08, because else the freshly introduced Rock 5B 
> support in 2023.08 will be broken.

I guess every project has their own branch management.

In Buildroot, we have a three-month release cycle. The first two months,
there' only master which gets commits. The third month, master only get
fixes, and the 'next' branch gets new features. About every week in the
third month, we tag an rc release on master, and eventually we tag the
release. Then next is merged in to master, and we start a new cycle.

It may happen that, after an rc is tagged on master, we merge it into
next, so that next also gets critical fixes from master. We don;t do it
very often, though...

And now that I wrote the above, I remember we should have something the
manual... Yes, we do:

Yann E. MORIN.

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