[Buildroot] Interested in board support for BeagleV-Ahead

Thomas Petazzoni thomas.petazzoni at bootlin.com
Sat Aug 12 10:19:51 UTC 2023

On Sat, 12 Aug 2023 11:56:45 +0200
Kilian Zinnecker <kilian.zinnecker at mail.de> wrote:

> Yes, I really appreciate all information that may help! I am not very 
> experienced, especially when it comes to assembling a boot image from the 
> artifacts, so it would be a great help.

Wanted to experiment a bit. Turns out that the USB TTL cable I happen
to have with me falls into the "It has been noticed that 6pin FTDI
cables like this doesn’t seem work with BeagleV Ahead debug port and
there might be other cables/modules that will show garbage when
connected to the board" at
so I don't have access to the board UART to explore things, sadly.

Thomas Petazzoni, co-owner and CEO, Bootlin
Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering and training

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