[Buildroot] Network Manager says the interfaces are unavailable

Andrea Simeoni andreasimeoni73 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 16:48:03 UTC 2023

I customized the default Raspberry Pi 3 64-bit config, and I enabled
and also BR2_PACKAGE_WPA_SUPPLICANT in order to connect to WPA networks.

I didn't enable BR2_PACKAGE_DHCPCD because I read it would prevent Network
Manager to work. Running the image, Network Manager find the interfaces
(eth0 and wlan0) but cannot use them:

# nmcli dev status
> DEVICE  TYPE       STATE                    CONNECTION
> lo      loopback   connected (externally)   lo
> eth0    ethernet   unavailable              --
> wlan0   wifi       unavailable              --

I'm aware it's the expected behavior if the interface is present in
/etc/network/interfaces and I'm ok with eth0, but wlan0 should be available:

auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> auto eth0
> iface eth0 inet dhcp
>   pre-up /etc/network/nfs_check
>   wait-delay 15
>   hostname $(hostname)

The driver seems ok:

# lsmod | grep brcmfmac
> brcmfmac         270336  0
> brcmutil          24576  1 brcmfmac
> cfg80211         872448  1 brcmfmac

and iwconfig confirms the wlan0 is running:

# iwconfig
> lo      no wireless extension
> eth0    no wireless extension
> wlan0   IEEE 802.11  ESSID:off/any
>         Mode:Managed Access Point: Not-Associated  Tx-Power=31 bDm
>         Retry short limit:7  RTS thr:off  Fragment thr:off
>         Encryption key:off
>         Power Management:on

I also tried ip link set wlan0 up but it does nothing, since the interface
is already up.
What else should I do in order to let Network Manager to use my wlan0?

I'm not sure what other info I may add to my question.
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