[Buildroot] Camera Driver diesn't provide 60 FPS

Gerd Kautzmann G.Kautzmann at PRIMES.de
Tue Aug 22 09:39:06 UTC 2023

Dear audience,

I finally managed to build an linux image suporting my imx296 camera on the Raspberry-Pi 4 (32 bit) over loadable kernel modules. There where good examples for building a helloworld kernel module.
At first everything looked fine, but than I realised the camera is limited to 30 frames per second. I compiled a test program confirming the problem under the build root kernel. On a, standart Raspbi image (Debian) I got 60 fps using the same drivers (compiled and installed over dpkg) with the same settings in the boot-filesystem. The driver is reporting the camera to be able to do 60 fps but test program (and application) are only reaching 30 fps.

Are there any ideas about settings in the configuration concerning cameras I might have missed?

Thanks for your patience

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