[Buildroot] [PATCH 0/4] systemd: sort out the conflict between var factory and tmpfiles (branch systemdify-var)

yann.morin at orange.com yann.morin at orange.com
Mon Oct 17 16:00:44 UTC 2022

Norert, All,

On 2022-10-17 16:50 +0200, Norbert Lange spake thusly:
> Am Mo., 17. Okt. 2022 um 16:11 Uhr schrieb <yann.morin at orange.com>:
> > On 2022-10-17 14:12 +0200, Norbert Lange spake thusly:
> > > Am Sa., 15. Okt. 2022 um 23:23 Uhr schrieb Yann E. MORIN
> > > <yann.morin.1998 at free.fr>:
> > [--SNIP--]
> > > > The solution we implemented in Buildroot is to generate a factory for
> > > > /var, and register that as tmpfiles, at build time, and mount a tmpfs on
> > > > the then-empty /var at runtime, so that systemd-tmpfiles populates /var
> > > > on boot. Having a tmpfs means /var is repopulated from a clean state at
> > > > each boot, and people who want a persistent /var have to provide their
> > > > own mechanism to mount their actual filesystem instead.
> > > Here the issue is, that the logic will never be complete, I will
> > > have to dig up old threads, but it fails with various combinations
> > > of symlinks.
> > The thing is, out of the box, Buildroot needs a working situation.
> Yes, my argument would be a technical better solution.

But so far, we do not have that technically better solution, so we need
to fix things that are arctually broken.

> > Now, please understand that some people are very happy with using a /var
> > factory, and some are even happy that /var is being mounted as a tmpfs
> > too.
> Would they be unhappy if everything works as it did before?

By "works as it did before", do you mean "using a var factory that was
not broken for them"? Yes, I am being teasing.

We'd have to evaluate the alternative proposal when we see it, if that
can replace the existing solution.

> > That is assuming that one will use an initramfs. For example, in my
> > systems, I do not use one, and I do not want to use one.
> No, initramfs is optional

Ah, but you had so far only talked about using an initramfs to prepare
an overlay, so I assumed your solution was tied to using an initramfs.
If it's not, then let's see it.

> > However, in my case I expressely do not want to use an initramfs: my
> > rootfs is a squashfs mounted on an initrd. I also have a tmpfs mounted on
> > /var, as I am very happy that /var gets factory value at boot (my
> > resilient data is accessed in some other ways).
> I am not sure if initrd/initramfs means something different here.

initrd is a blockdevice in memory. The filesystem one puts in there can
be any filesystem that could be otherwise stored on another blockdevice.

initramfs is a filesystem in memory, like a tmpfs. The initramfs is

> > > The recurring attempts to discuss this ended in [1].
> > And finally, I believe it may even address more complex situations,
> > where people will provide their own fakeroot-script to do the
> > preparatory works.
> My own usecase is that  use the buildroot as pristine rootfs and then
> slice it up as
> necessary. But just to get this out of the way.
> More importantly, I would propose a simpler, yet more robust solution
> than the var factory.
> For this, the files in the attached archive have to end up in
> /lib/systemd/system.

Did you forget to attach something, by chance?

> What this does:
> Before the time /var is supposed to be accessed, an tmpfs will be
> mounted in /run,

We already have that: /run is automatically mounted by systemd, no?

> and the /var folder will be shifted around to end up in an overlayfs
> *below* this tmpfs.

What do you mean by "shifted"?

> The bind-mount is done with a systemd mount unit, means if you have mounts
> *in /var or below* those will be correctly ordered.

Yeah, switching away from the fstab is good.

> -   No initramfs necessary
> -   No duplicate files in the var factory and tmpfs (unless they are
> modified of course). So your suashed files stay compressed.
> -   No tricky autogenerated tmpfiles
> -   Would be possible to do something similar in other init systems
> The only downside would be the reliance on overlayfs - technically you
> could also
> adopt that solution to copy stuff into the tmpfs.
> Besides my obvious biases there are technical arguments to be had.

We all have biases, me ot the last. :-)

My technical arguments for this series are:
  - it is currently kinda-broken
  - var factory works until proven otherwise
  - so we need to fix them

I'll be sure to do as unbiased a review as possible for your proposal
when I see it. ;-)

> > PS. Please note that there are two different Yann in this thread: me at
> > work using Buildroot, and Yann at home, one of the maintainers. Look at
> > the email to be sure who's talking (not that I-at-work talk in the name
> > of my employer either).
> > I try to segregate the two identities as much as I can, but sometime
> > there is some overlap, like here.
> > YEM.
> Not making things much clearer ;)

If it can comfort you, it is not much clearer in my own head either!  ;-)

Yann E. MORIN.

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