[Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/wolfssl: security bump to version 5.5.2

Peter Korsgaard peter at korsgaard.com
Tue Nov 8 20:00:33 UTC 2022

>>>>> "Fabrice" == Fabrice Fontaine <fontaine.fabrice at gmail.com> writes:

 > In the case that the WOLFSSL_CALLBACKS macro is set when building
 > wolfSSL, there is a potential heap over read of 5 bytes when handling
 > TLS 1.3 client connections. This heap over read is limited to wolfSSL
 > builds explicitly setting the macro WOLFSSL_CALLBACKS, the feature does
 > not get turned on by any other build options. The macro
 > WOLFSSL_CALLBACKS is intended for debug use only, but if having it
 > enabled in production, users are recommended to disable
 > WOLFSSL_CALLBACKS. Users enabling WOLFSSL_CALLBACKS are recommended to
 > update their version of wolfSSL. CVE 2022-42905

 > https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl/releases/tag/v5.5.2-stable

 > Signed-off-by: Fabrice Fontaine <fontaine.fabrice at gmail.com>

Committed to 2022.08.x and 2022.02.x, thanks.

Bye, Peter Korsgaard

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