[Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/tealdeer: exclude unsupported targets

Danilo Bargen mail at dbrgn.ch
Sun Dec 11 18:52:58 UTC 2022

Hello Yann

Thanks for adapting and merging the patch!

> I think what Thomas meant, was that it is a pity that we need a TLS
> implementation just to read the equivalent of man-pages, which by virtue
> of being local oalways work, and that that TLS implementation has
> limitations on architectures, which man-pages do not...

Yes, I understand that :) The only reason is that the current tldr pages are fetched from the domain "tldr.sh" via HTTPS. An alternative to this would be to add a build flag to Tealdeer to not require/support network connectivity at all, and to bundle all current tldr pages with the buildroot package. This way, no network connectivity and no TLS would be needed. This feature was requested by a user a few years ago, and I already implemented it, but never got feedback on the implementation and nobody ever requested that feature again. So in the interest of keeping the codebase simple, I never merged the branch.

Anyways, I brought back a build flag to allow linking against OpenSSL instead: https://github.com/dbrgn/tealdeer/pull/303 Initially I had quite some trouble getting it to find OpenSSL, until I discovered that I need to add a dependency on host-pkgconf. Once the next release is out, I can submit a patch to build against OpenSSL instead of Rustls.


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