[Buildroot] [PATCH] Revert "package/luajit: back to mainline and bump to 05f1984e"

Peter Korsgaard peter at korsgaard.com
Mon Nov 8 07:45:27 UTC 2021

>>>>> "Romain" == Romain Naour <romain.naour at gmail.com> writes:

 > Hi Jörg;
 > Le 07/11/2021 à 21:08, Jörg Krause a écrit :
 >> Hello,
 >> just noticed I missed the second patch [2] of the series. I will re-run
 >> the test with the patch applied.

 > git bisect says that luvi doesn't work with luajit since this commit [1].

 > Adding -DLUAJIT_DISABLE_GC64 to luajit.mk allow to use luvi -v on the target but
 > I get a strange behavior. The list returned by luvi -v is not always in the same
 > order:

Funky. The commit says that this only applies to 64bit target, but the
test uses armv7, so perhaps it is indeed something related to
host/target confusion?

 > I'm not sure if using luajit is really safe for the upcoming Buildroot release.

Hmm, no perhaps not. Still, if moonjit is unmaintained we will need to
move away from it (E.G. before 2022.02) so it would be good to get to
the bottom of this issue.

Bye, Peter Korsgaard

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