[Buildroot] Handling delays in network interface visibility in Raspberry Pi 3

Peter Korsgaard peter at korsgaard.com
Tue Feb 16 11:23:59 UTC 2021

>>>>> "Ivo" == Ivo Grondman <buildroot at grondman.net> writes:


 > Turned out I was using an old cable only capable of 100BASE-TX
 > (i.e. it only had 2 wire pairs). Replacing it with a cable with all 4
 > wire pairs in it did the trick, even when still behind the switch and
 > the power line adapter. Never had problems with that cable before
 > (didn’t care about the speed difference), but apparently in this case
 > it was the culprit of slow link negotiation.

Ok, good to hear that you solved it!

Bye, Peter Korsgaard

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