[Buildroot] [git commit branch/next] support/scripts/cpedb.py: drop CPE XML database caching

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Sun Feb 14 09:03:52 UTC 2021

commit: https://git.buildroot.net/buildroot/commit/?id=f81b0998eadc8aa8a4f8f205f5fa4d68438fb68d
branch: https://git.buildroot.net/buildroot/commit/?id=refs/heads/next

Currently, the CPE XML database is parsed into a Python dict, which is
then pickled into a local file, to speed up the processing of further

However, it turns out that since the initial implementation, we have
switched the XML parsing from the out of tree xmltodict module to the
standard ElementTree one, which has made the parsing much faster. The
pickle caching only saves 6 seconds, on something that takes more than
13 minutes total.

In addition, this pickle caching consumes a significant amount of RAM,
causing the Python process to be OOM-killed on a server with 4 GB of

So let's just drop this caching entirely.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Petazzoni <thomas.petazzoni at bootlin.com>
Signed-off-by: Yann E. MORIN <yann.morin.1998 at free.fr>
 support/scripts/cpedb.py | 40 ++++++----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/support/scripts/cpedb.py b/support/scripts/cpedb.py
index 825ed6cb1e..b1e7e7012c 100644
--- a/support/scripts/cpedb.py
+++ b/support/scripts/cpedb.py
@@ -94,22 +94,6 @@ class CPEDB:
         self.all_cpes_no_version = dict()
         self.nvd_path = nvd_path
-    def gen_cached_cpedb(self, cpedb, cache_all_cpes, cache_all_cpes_no_version):
-        print("CPE: Unzipping xml manifest...")
-        nist_cpe_file = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=open(cpedb, 'rb'))
-        print("CPE: Converting xml manifest to dict...")
-        tree = ET.parse(nist_cpe_file)
-        all_cpedb = tree.getroot()
-        self.parse_dict(all_cpedb)
-        print("CPE: Caching dictionary")
-        cpes_file = open(cache_all_cpes, 'wb')
-        pickle.dump(self.all_cpes, cpes_file)
-        cpes_file.close()
-        cpes_file = open(cache_all_cpes_no_version, 'wb')
-        pickle.dump(self.all_cpes_no_version, cpes_file)
-        cpes_file.close()
     def get_xml_dict(self):
         print("CPE: Setting up NIST dictionary")
         if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.nvd_path, "cpe")):
@@ -121,24 +105,12 @@ class CPEDB:
             cpe_dict = requests.get(CPEDB_URL)
             open(cpe_dict_local, "wb").write(cpe_dict.content)
-        cache_all_cpes = os.path.join(self.nvd_path, "cpe", "all_cpes.pkl")
-        cache_all_cpes_no_version = os.path.join(self.nvd_path, "cpe", "all_cpes_no_version.pkl")
-        if not os.path.exists(cache_all_cpes) or \
-           not os.path.exists(cache_all_cpes_no_version) or \
-           os.stat(cache_all_cpes).st_mtime < os.stat(cpe_dict_local).st_mtime or \
-           os.stat(cache_all_cpes_no_version).st_mtime < os.stat(cpe_dict_local).st_mtime:
-            self.gen_cached_cpedb(cpe_dict_local,
-                                  cache_all_cpes,
-                                  cache_all_cpes_no_version)
-        print("CPE: Loading CACHED dictionary")
-        cpe_file = open(cache_all_cpes, 'rb')
-        self.all_cpes = pickle.load(cpe_file)
-        cpe_file.close()
-        cpe_file = open(cache_all_cpes_no_version, 'rb')
-        self.all_cpes_no_version = pickle.load(cpe_file)
-        cpe_file.close()
+        print("CPE: Unzipping xml manifest...")
+        nist_cpe_file = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=open(cpe_dict_local, 'rb'))
+        print("CPE: Converting xml manifest to dict...")
+        tree = ET.parse(nist_cpe_file)
+        all_cpedb = tree.getroot()
+        self.parse_dict(all_cpedb)
     def parse_dict(self, all_cpedb):
         # Cycle through the dict and build two dict to be used for custom

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