[Buildroot] Setting permissions of symlinks deployed by a buildroot package

Ivan Castell icastell at circontrol.com
Mon Apr 12 13:42:24 UTC 2021

Thanks a lot for the tip with relative symlinks, it works as expected now.

makedevs has some other issues. For instance, when you try to set the permissions to a given directory recursively, all the objects contained (regular files, binaries, or even other sub-directories) end with the same permissions configured. Probably that's not what you want. To fix this you end up settings permissions to every single file/directory one per every configuration file. That's not a problem when deploying few files. But it is something to consider when deploying hundreds.

De: Arnout Vandecappelle <arnout at mind.be>
Enviado: viernes, 9 de abril de 2021 15:00
Para: Ivan Castell <icastell at circontrol.com>; buildroot at busybox.net <buildroot at busybox.net>
Asunto: Re: [Buildroot] Setting permissions of symlinks deployed by a buildroot package

On 08/04/2021 12:00, Ivan Castell wrote:
> Hello forum.
> I am just trying to customize permissions for a set of files deployed after
> installing a buildroot package. Found the FOO_PERMISSIONS feature, that seems to
> be the proper way to go:
> /usr/share/foo/ r  775 root wheel -  -  -  -  -
> endef
> ...
> ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_FOO),y)
> $(eval $(generic-package))
> endif
> The problem happens in FOO_PERMISSIONS when iterating recursively with "r" over
> /usr/share/foo/. Inside that directory there are some sub-directories with some
> regular files. But also some symlinks pointing to files inside the embedded
> target platform that doesn't exist in the build platform. For instance:
> /usr/share/foo/resources/foo.json -> /usr/share/foo/foo.json
> It seems makedevs doesn't manage symlinks properly:
> makedevs: chown failed for
> /BUILDROOT/output/target/usr/share/foo/resources/foo.json: No such file or directory

 Yeah, that's expected. Symlinks are annoying.

 I usually avoid this kind of issue by making sure that all symlinks are
relative. Si instead of /usr/share/foo/foo.json, point to ../foo.json. Modern ln
even has the -r option to do this automatically.

 A more fundamental solution would be to give makedevs a big makeover and
explicitly handle symlinks in all syscalls, and make them relative to the target

 All that is extremely silly of course, because we're not *actually* doing any
chown, we're just trying to update the fakeroot database... So some integration
of makedevs with fakeroot would be an even better solution. But that's a long
way off.


> The file exists:
> $ ls -l /BUILDROOT/output/target/usr/share/foo/resources/foo.json ->
> /usr/share/foo/foo.json
> But problem is, it's a symlink pointing to a file that is missing on the build
> platform:
> $ ls -l /usr/share/foo/foo.json
> ls: cannot access '/usr/share/foo/foo.json': No such file or directory
> This error can be fixed in different ways. The first approach is touching a
> dummy file inside the build platform:
> $ touch /usr/share/foo/foo.json
> But this is a nasty fix.
> A second approach would be setting permissions for every single file and symlink
> deployed, managing regular files with "f" and symlinks with "l" type.
> /usr/share/foo/path/to/regular/file f  775 root wheel -  -  -  -  -
> /usr/share/foo/path/to/symlink l 775 root wheel -  -  -  -  -
> ....
> endef
> But this is not a reasonable fix for packages deploying hundred of files. In
> this case, you loose the nice recursive feature.
> A third approach would be to create all symlinks inside a startup script. But
> again, that not seems to be the most convenient way to fix this issue.
> What should be the most convenient way to proceed in this case?
> Thanks!
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