[Buildroot] [PATCH v4 4/5] board: add nvidia jetson tx2 support

Graham Leva celaxodon at gmail.com
Thu Nov 26 16:45:51 UTC 2020


> Glad to hear there is interest in supporting this effort in Buildroot
> from NVIDIA.

There's really not any official support from NVIDIA at this time,
just me working in my spare time right now. But I'm happy to help to
see the Jetson series be more successful in Buildroot :)

> My primary goal is to provide support for the Jetson TX2 and Nano that
> works as reliably as possible while not falling too far behind on
> compiler and/or glibc versions.

This is a great goal! I would very much like to see this happen too.

> If you have a series you've written for L4T that provides LibGL
> properly, it'd be quite helpful if that could be merged into this
> and/or if we could use your series instead.

I wasn't aware there was an issue with LibGL and Buildroot. Feel free to
reach out to me through email to discuss this in more detail.

> The download for this package comes from this page -
> https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/linux-tegra-archive
> ...
> The branding is pretty explicit that this board support package is
> named "linux4tegra" which includes the kernel as part of the bundle.
> This is why I chose this package name for the series.
> The package supports fetching multiple variants, either the t210 or

Yeah, I can definitely see how you would come to that conclusion based on
website and marketing. I think maybe this is more of an internal
distinction than
external and not a big issue.

> Given the large quantity of license files and hashes in this package,
> it would be (IMO) best to maintain a single package for all of the
> board variants, if possible. The contents of the different versions of
> l4t are nearly identical and are processed identically.

I agree with you that this is a major issue with using the BSP for
The way NVIDIA approaches firmware for the Jetson line is philosophically
quite different from Buildroot in that it's made for building an
Ubuntu-based system
with package manager and all batteries included. Fortunately, NVIDIA
provides separate git repositories for many of the BSP firmware components
that can be selected and built conditionally, which I think will allow an
approach to firmware generation more compatible with Buildroot. The biggest
issue I see is that each piece of software NVIDIA is not yet packaged
yet (cuda-base, cuda, libargus, etc), making handling of the BSP in

> This is a lot of extra effort that I don't think I would be willing to
> maintain (can't speak for the other developers).
> At the moment for practical purposes the flash.sh script works
> perfectly to flash the device over USB and/or produce the device
> images. Is there any reason why we shouldn't use that script?

I don't mean to suggest there's anything wrong with the flash.sh script —
there's not, and you should use it if it works for you — it just takes a
different approach to building firmware.

Personally, I quite like how Buildroot board configs are responsible for
generating image artifacts, leaving image generation and flashing
to utilities. I'd like to see any NVIDIA board configs follow this
approach if they were part of Buildroot. And yes, it is more work
this way, but like I said before, I'm happy to help if I can :).

> Well, it's of course possible to filter which files we copy based on
> these conditions, even without splitting this into separate packages.
> I wonder though if (for an initial version in the tree) there's any
> harm in installing udev rules when udev is not enabled? This won't
> have any effect, right? So it shouldn't be a showstopper for v0.

As far as I know, there wouldn't be any harm. I think it's
just a matter of preference for not installing things your system doesn't
need. I haven't gone through all of the configurations yet though, so I
speak to the rest.

> That patch, as far as I can see, just downloads l4t from a git source
> via package-generic?

> Which parts should I take from there for this series?

Yes, it's just a single patch there. I will probably resubmit as a full
of patches as it makes little sense by itself. This branch includes a
version of all kernel, bootloader, and firmware packages for the 4GB nano SD
(p3450-0000) that will be broken up for the patch series:

You can build everything with `make jetson_nano_defconfig`. Note that
it's a little behind master, still uses GCC 7, and will require building
NVIDIA hardware packages (see package/hardware-nvidia/Config.in)
based on the target board. I can direct you to the patch series after I've
each out. To combine this work with yours, you could probably apply the
single commit from my squashed branch and deactivate my BSP package,
"tegra210-linux", substituting your "linux4tegra" package.

Kind regards,
Graham Leva

On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 7:53 PM Christian Stewart <christian at paral.in>

> Hi Graham,
> On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 8:30 AM Graham Leva <celaxodon at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I wanted to follow up here with some feedback. I work for NVIDIA and
> have been working on similar things as you, integrating the Jetson line of
> boards into Buildroot. Usual disclaimer, all opinions expressed here are my
> own and do not reflect those of my employer. I'm very excited to see others
> working on this though!
> Glad to hear there is interest in supporting this effort in Buildroot
> from NVIDIA.
> If you have a series you've written for L4T that provides LibGL
> properly, it'd be quite helpful if that could be merged into this
> and/or if we could use your series instead.
> My primary goal is to provide support for the Jetson TX2 and Nano that
> works as reliably as possible while not falling too far behind on
> compiler and/or glibc versions.
> > I don't want to derail this discussion in any way, but I thought I might
> be able to help some. A couple of issues I noticed:
> >
> > 1. Package name -- this should be "tegra210" or "tegra210-linux" -- this
> package is for the BSP (Board Support Package), not Linux4Tegra, the custom
> kernel NVIDIA provides for its Tegra line of chips. Other boards require
> different BSPs, and still use Linux4Tegra for the kernel.
> The download for this package comes from this page -
> https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/linux-tegra-archive
> Which is named "linux-tegra-archive" - "L4T Archive" - "NVIDIA L4T is
> the board support package for Jetson."
> The branding is pretty explicit that this board support package is
> named "linux4tegra" which includes the kernel as part of the bundle.
> This is why I chose this package name for the series.
> The package supports fetching multiple variants, either the t210 or
> t186ref.
> Given the large quantity of license files and hashes in this package,
> it would be (IMO) best to maintain a single package for all of the
> board variants, if possible. The contents of the different versions of
> l4t are nearly identical and are processed identically.
> If it is indeed necessary / better to duplicate the package several
> times and make one per variant, I can make that change + the naming
> changes.
> > 2. Root permissions -- you can remove the root permissions requirement
> by not using the flash.sh script NVIDIA provides. It's really a high-level
> wrapper around other scripts and image signing tools that require root.
> This should eliminate the need for your custom patch
> (0001-Adjust-flash.sh-for-flashing-Buildroot-produced-disk.patch). Happy to
> work with you on this.
> Actually, the purpose of the patch is not to remove the requirement
> for root. It's to prevent the script from generating a new ext4 rootfs
> image. This step is unnecessary, Buildroot does it already.
> Instead what happens, with the patch applied, is that the script will
> flash the buildroot produced ext4 partition image directly to the
> target emmc device, rather than building a ext4 image from scratch
> unnecessarily.
> I use this to flash the emmc on the TX2 over USB (as mentioned in the
> readme.txt).
> > The way NVIDIA flashes boards and defines the partition layout through
> xml files and parsing can be difficult to translate to genimage or another
> Buildroot-compatibile tool.
> Indeed but this is a separate issue than the flash.sh patch. I believe
> flash.sh can still produce rootless images anyway even with the patch
> applied.
> > The way I've gone here was to define a layout based on the output from
> NVIDIA's scripts, and then target different layouts based on the board
> configuration parameters.
> > This is more work up-front and requires some thinking about how each of
> the boards can be structured within Buildroot, but I think the flexibility
> (and not having root permissions) outweighs. I personally find having a
> genimage.cfg much clearer than the XML files for referencing partition
> layouts too.
> This is a lot of extra effort that I don't think I would be willing to
> maintain (can't speak for the other developers).
> At the moment for practical purposes the flash.sh script works
> perfectly to flash the device over USB and/or produce the device
> images. Is there any reason why we shouldn't use that script?
> If a custom partition layout is possible it would be quite good.
> > 3. BSP software (everything under nv_tegra directory) -- this is a tough
> issue. Ideally, I would like to see NVIDIA offer some static download URLs
> for each of these pieces of software so we could create them as individual
> Buildroot packages, rather than just installed altogether as part of the
> BSP. I think this would be more in line with Buildroot's approach towards
> building minimal firmware with only the packages you need. I understand if
> this works for your use case, but there's a lot of system setup also
> included in this directory (nv_tegra/config.tbz2) that has implications on
> the Buildroot port and currently assumes you're building an Ubuntu-based
> system. How to handle udev configuration, for example -- I would suggest
> copying configurations over should be opt-in based on whether the user has
> Well, it's of course possible to filter which files we copy based on
> these conditions, even without splitting this into separate packages.
> I wonder though if (for an initial version in the tree) there's any
> harm in installing udev rules when udev is not enabled? This won't
> have any effect, right? So it shouldn't be a showstopper for v0.
> > > Cuda libraries requires a specific gcc version, see the
> tegra-demo-distro layer
> > > [1]. I guess nivida only use gcc 7 (or maybe gcc 8) because they are
> using
> > > ubuntu on this platform.
> > >
> > > Also, the kernel you use come from github OE4T [2] where ~20 kernel
> patches have
> > > been backported to fix gcc >= 8 issues. But this is not really the
> kernel from
> > > Nvidia SDK.
> It works with GCC 8 but I am seeing some errors loading the tegra_xusb
> firmware.
> > Romain is correct about the Linux4Tegra kernel here. I have a patch
> (really a series) I started to submit to add this in to Buildroot (see:
> http://buildroot-busybox.2317881.n4.nabble.com/PATCH-0-1-package-linux-nvidia-for-Jetson-Nano-SD-td269064.html#a269065),
> and hopefully you can build on it. L4T should be able to work and compile
> fine with GCC 8 or 9, but the kernel compilation currently breaks with 10.x.
> That patch, as far as I can see, just downloads l4t from a git source
> via package-generic?
> Which parts should I take from there for this series?
> Thanks again for the support on this.
> Best regards,
> Christian Stewart
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