[Buildroot] [PATCH] package/gitlab-runner: new package

Marcin Niestrój m.niestroj at grinn-global.com
Wed May 20 10:03:17 UTC 2020

Hi Jérémy,

Jérémy ROSEN <jeremy.rosen at smile.fr> writes:

> Hello,
> I am in the process of testing that and you will probably get my tested-by
> at some point..
> Two remarks in the mean time...
> * it seems from https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/init.html
>   that gitlab-runner should magically create the systemd file when
>   installed. Did you test that ?

I haven't. But I had a quick tour over the code that does that. What I
understood back then was that systemd service was created by
gitlab-runner runtime. As we are cross-compiling it, then there is no
possibility to create such systemd service file before assembling final
image (without compiling for the host PC as well).

> * It seems a sane common practice to run gitlab-runner with the --user
>   option pointing to a dedicated user so the gitlab jobs are not run
>   as root. You should probably create a user for that and activate
>   that option by default

I am not 100% sure we want that by default. The use case for me for
example is to have all system priviledges, as I use gitlab-runner to
talk to /dev/tty*, /dev/sdX and /dev/sgX devices. Some of them can be
accessed by a system group, but /dev/sgX for example is only available

I understand that for some cases it is better to reduce gitlab-runner
priviledges. But I would rather leave that for a future improvement,
when such need arises.

> I'll test your patch some more and come back to you
> Regards
> Jeremy

Marcin Niestrój

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