[Buildroot] Console warning using the package aircrack-ng

Oscar Gomez Fuente oscargomezf at gmail.com
Wed May 20 16:18:43 UTC 2020

Hi everyone,

I am using a raspberry pi 3B with an usb WiFi dongle with the chipset rtl8192c.

I have buildroot 2020.02 with the package aircrack-ng (ver1.6). I am
using the USB dongle in monitor mode. When I execute this command:

# /usr/sbin/airodump-ng wlan0mon --output-format csv --write /tmp/wifi_results

I've got this warning:

Warning: Detected you are using a non-UNICODE terminal character encoding.

And it seems to be that airodump-ng doesn't work properly.

Does anyone know how to fix this warning?

Oscar Gomez Fuente

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