Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Sun Jan 26 09:21:51 UTC 2020

Heiko, All,

On 2020-01-24 08:37 +0100, Heiko Thiery spake thusly:
> I have a custom package (MYPACKAGE) in my BR2_EXTERNAL. This package
> uses the "$(eval $(kernel-module))". In addition this package also
> adds a kernel patch hook via BR2_EXTERNAL/linux-ext-MYPACKAGE.mk.
> As far as I see MYPACKAGE depends on linux (due to kernel-module) and
> LINUX depends on MYPACKAGE due to the dependency created to

While reviewing our existing linux extensions to prepare my previous
reply, I noticed that we do have the same problem in Buildroot itself.
The package that provides the RTAI extension has an explicit dependency
on linux:


And indeed, runing 'make legal-info' does break in a similar fashion:

    package/rtai/rtai.mk:32: *** Recursive variable
    'RTAI_FINAL_RECURSIVE_DEPENDENCIES' references itself (eventually).

Damned... :-/ We'll have to come up with a fix...

Yann E. MORIN.

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