[Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] package/openlayers: bump to version 6.4.3

Thomas Claveirole thomas.claveirole at green-communications.fr
Mon Aug 17 15:36:51 UTC 2020

Hi Jugurtha,

> It would be great if you can add LICENSE HASH value (LICENSE.md
> <https://github.com/openlayers/openlayers/blob/main/LICENSE.md
> >) as well to the hash file.

As stated in the openlayers.mk file:

# There's no separate license file in the archive, only minified files.

I don't think I should add a license hash in the .hash file for a
file that does not exist in the archive we do download.  Is there
something I misunderstood?

Thomas Claveirole <thomas.claveirole at green-communications.fr>
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