[Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] Add libvirt (KVM) support

Thomas Petazzoni thomas.petazzoni at bootlin.com
Mon May 27 07:04:52 UTC 2019


On Sun, 26 May 2019 22:14:54 +0200
Angelo Compagnucci <angelo at amarulasolutions.com> wrote:

> The only thing that bothers me is that the debian images for vagrant
> are not official and only maintained by a single person
> (https://app.vagrantup.com/debian).
> On the contrary, Ubuntu images are officially maintained by canonical
> into their efforts for ubuntu on cloud.
> Alternatively we can switch to Fedora which is officially supported
> and supports libvirt, but we have to completetly rewrite the provision
> section of the vagrantfile.

Do we really need to make a choice here ?

For Docker, our intention is to have several Dockerfiles for different
distributions, in support/docker/.

What about having several Vagrantfiles, in support/vagrant/, also to
support different distributions ?

Best regards,

Thomas Petazzoni, CTO, Bootlin
Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering

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