[Buildroot] [PATCH v5 0/3] Add tainting support to buildroot

Angelo Compagnucci angelo at amarulasolutions.com
Sun Sep 9 12:25:56 UTC 2018

Thomas, Yann,
On Sun, Sep 9, 2018 at 1:10 PM Thomas Petazzoni
<thomas.petazzoni at bootlin.com> wrote:
> Hello Yann,
> On Sun, 9 Sep 2018 09:36:16 +0200, Yann E. MORIN wrote:
> > So, I am not in favour of having support for such package managers in
> > Buildroot, to begin with.
> We already had this discussion in the first iteration of this patch
> series, and even before. I think everybody agrees that such package
> managers (npm and al.) are really not nice in the context of Linux
> distributions or build systems.
> However, from a practical point of view, some people want those
> features, and are ready to trade the reproducibility against "ease of
> use". In addition, specifically for nodejs/npm, the number of packages
> is so enormous that I am not sure it is really realistic to create one
> Buildroot package for each nodejs module, and keep things sane.
> Especially if only a few people are interested in nodejs modules.
> > As you say, the reproducibility of a build, as offered by Buildroot, is
> > really a very important point. In my opinion, reproducibility is even
> > paramount. Whatever gets in the way should be banned.
> I disagree on the "should be banned", and that's the whole point of
> this series: allow it, while making sure that the user is well aware of
> the fact that he has given up on the "reproducibility" by using one of
> those package managers.
> > > This patch adds a tainting mechanism in the form of a
> > > variable FOO_TAINTS that can be used to signal that
> > > a package harms the reproducibility or licensing under
> > > certain conditions.
> >
> > When I read that, it comes that the tainting mechanism serves two
> > purposes: first, mark (non-)reproducibility, and second, mark incorrect
> > and/or incomplete licensing information.
> >
> > This does not sound nice to me.
> >
> > For the licensing information, I would just rely on the existing
> > licensing infra, and be done with it, i.e. add :
> >
> >     FOO_LICENSE += Unknown (non reproducible external data)
> >     endif
> That's true.
> > Now, what would be the purpose for this "tainted" flag? I understand
> > clearly what it provides, indeed, technically, but what would it serve
> > to the user?
> See above: it makes it absolutely clear to the user that he is using
> some feature that kills one key advantage of build system:
> reproducibility. Hiding this information in the manual or in a
> Config.in help text is IMO not enough: we really want the user to have
> a prominent warning at the end of the build.
> > If I were to use a non-reproduible set of data ffor;, say, nodejs, then
> > I know that this is not handled by Buildroot, and thus it is not
> > reproducible. I don't need to be told it, escept maybe as a note in the
> > manual: "If you use external data from npm/pypi, cpan, whatnot, then
> > your build is not reproducible; that will be hurting kittens."
> I disagree, newcomers are unlikely to realize this and read our manual
> end to end.
> > Instead, I am more in favour of packaging such external stuff as
> > Buildroot packages, like we've been doing for erlang, lua, perl, and
> > python, even if we have to add new infrastructures for thos (npm, I'm
> > looking at you!)
> Yes, that is the ideal situation. But that is not necessarily realistic
> for npm modules (due to their number), and having this option of using
> the provided package manager is reasonable, as long as the user is
> aware of the drawbacks.
> > Besides, you're missing a big piece of potential non-reproducibility
> > source: br2-external trees. If we ever were to have such a tainting
> > mechanism, we should mark the build as tainted as soon as there is a
> > br2-external tree.
> I disagree, a BR2_EXTERNAL does not make the build non-reproducible. As
> long as you have the same BR2_EXTERNAL + Buildroot, you can rebuild the
> same system.
> > Ditto as soon as we have a FOO_OVERRIDE_SRCDIR set, which should mark
> > the build as tainted. Except we already use FOO_OVERRIDE_SRCDIR when
> > FOO_SITE = local...
> FOO_OVERRIDE_SRCDIR is indeed a better example of thing that makes the
> build non-reproducible, we could potentially include this in the
> tainted mechanism.
> Though to me, this is somewhat less important: only advanced users are
> likely to use <pkg>_OVERRIDE_SRCDIR, and if they do, they will
> definitely realize the impact on reproducibility. While the newcomer
> toying around with nodejs/npm may not realize the impact of using a
> third-party package manager on reproducibility.
> So, yes, perhaps <pkg>_OVERRIDE_SRCDIR should ultimately taint the
> build, but I don't see handling that as a requirement to start
> introducing this "taint" flag.
> > Instead, why not provide a helper script (or enhance the existing ones
> > if need be), than generated buildroot packages for those external packge
> > managers?
> We really don't want thousands of npm packages I believe :-/

Thomas said evrithing exceptionally well, but I would like to
underling another thing: automated building infrastructures like
continuos integration.

If a project hasa nedd of reproducibility, the countinous integration
could check if a random developer introduced something not
reproducible and mark the build as invalid. I think this is really a
big plus of this solution.

Sincerely, Angelo
> Best regards,
> Thomas
> --
> Thomas Petazzoni, CTO, Bootlin
> Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering
> https://bootlin.com
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