[Buildroot] python-pip

Patrick Doyle wpdster at gmail.com
Tue May 1 20:22:34 UTC 2018

What are the chances of (re-?)adding python-pip to buildroot?

I found http://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/buildroot/2013-July/075194.html
where Rohan Fletcher attempted to add it in 2013.  But I don't see it
in the 2018.02 branch.

Did folks ask questions, Rohan not reply, and nothing ever came of that?

Yes... I get it... it's not part of the buildroot philosophy to
include package management, but I have a use case that makes sense for
my application.

I can resurrect Rohan's patch, or I can stop now, if somebody else has
a better suggestion for upgrading Python packages on a deployed
system.  (I understand that wheels are the new eggs for Python.
Perhaps I should look more carefully at wheels).

I'll go look at/for that now.


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