[Buildroot] Build time increase in 2018.02

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Mon Mar 12 20:08:03 UTC 2018

Trent, All,

On 2018-03-12 18:27 +0000, Trent Piepho spake thusly:
> On Sat, 2018-03-10 at 12:32 +0100, Peter Korsgaard wrote:
> > > > > > >  > We've seen a big increase in build time with the latest buildroot.  On
> >  > a vpshere instance, times have gone up from 45 minutes to 180+ minutes.
> > 
> > Wow! What version did you use before upgrading to 2018.02 (the 45min)?
> 2017.11.1.  I see one change that went in between that and 2018.02 is,
> "core/pkg-generic: store file->package list for staging and host too"
> If I breakdown step_pkg_size by tree:
> step_pkg_size-stage      143.50
> step_pkg_size-target     267.14
> step_pkg_size-host       419.21
> The other targets, extract, build, etc. are <1 second.  So adding
> package size stats for staging and host is responsible for tripling the
> time this step takes.
> Looking at how the file accounting is done, it will md5sum the tree
> with complexity O(n^2) on the size of the tree.  So it is not
> surprising that it is very slow.  It also explains why re-installing a
> host package after the build is done slow, since it must md5sum the
> entire host tree twice.  At least when building it takes about half as
> long since the earlier packages to install have a smaller tree to sum.

I remember very well doing some analysis back when we initially
introduced this feature just for the content of target/ and that the
overhead was virtually unnoticeable:


So I did a new round of timing on my machine, just to see how bad this
is.  My machine is: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz, with an
NVME SSD that can spit out at least 1.4GiB/s:

    $ dd if=/dev/nvme0n1 of=/dev/null bs=16M count=256
    4294967296 bytes (4,3 GB, 4,0 GiB) copied, 2,80702 s, 1,5 GB/s

I first created a single big file of 32GiB, which is twice the RAM I
have, so that I can be sure that nothing gets cached. Then I did a
smaller file, 2GiB, that fits in cache in RAM. I repeated each test
about 10 times, and took the mean value (roughly):

    $ dd if=/dev/urandom of=foo-32G bs=1M count=32768
    $ time md5sum foo-32G
    real    0m54,891s

    $ dd if=/dev/urandom of=foo-2G  bs=1M count=2048
    $ time md5sum foo-2G
    real    0m3,232s

What can be seen with htop and iotop, is that md5sum-ing the 32GiB file
is CPU bound, not I/O bound. And this reflects in the timings: the ratio
is roughly 17x, which can be explained by a 6x size plus I/O scheduling.

So, whether the data fits in cache or not is not meaningful, unless the
storage is not up-to-speed.

Let's say that a 32GiB is highly unlikely, but that a 2GiB is more
reasonable. Also, this is done only for host packages. So, at worst
case, this is ~3s per host package... With 50 host packages, that's
about 150s (worst case), which is very far from the 47 minutes
reported below. Even if we double the host/ size up 4GiB, we get a
3-minute overhead, still far from 47 minutes...

> Here's the time for running on a VM.  
> targetinstall             29.65
> stageinstall              31.57
> check_bin_arch            34.11
> post_image                38.63
> check_host_rpath          41.23
> hostinstall               55.40
> extract                   72.99
> other                     73.77
> build                    465.93
> configure                689.38
> step_pkg_size            2872.76
> 47 minutes to check the package sizes.
> While I don't use a VM myself, the people who run the infrastructure
> for the CI and nightly builds think they are great.  It's the way
> things are now.  Everyone's IT dept uses vsphere or AWS or some other
> tech to allow them to create instances that are decoupled from the
> physical hardware present (or in the cloud).

Yeah, a VM is a performance killer, especially for I/Os... :-/

Yann E. MORIN.

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