[Buildroot] Package with dependency with another git

lpdev at cordier.org lpdev at cordier.org
Thu Aug 23 15:32:37 UTC 2018


Currently adding a new package to buildroot, I have a package "A" that fetch its sources on git, and is a cmake-package. This package A also require another git repo "B" to be fetched, and a CMake a path in _CONF_OPTS that points to repo "B" must be added. 

My solution was to create a new package "B" on which package "A" depends on, and use generic-package with no build rules. Buildroot is taking care of fetching the sources automatically then.

However I did not find any way to point on build directory of package B from packagea.mk. Package build are named with the following: package_name-version. I am currently pointing to the path manually in my script like this:


My questions are:

- Is it a good practice to do this?
- Is it a good practice to create a package that only fetch sources?
- Is there any variable to point to the build dir of a specific package?
- Would it be better to add a pre-configure in packagea.mk hook that calls git and fetch the repo B?

Thank you for you help.

Louis-Paul CORDIER

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