[Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] paxtest: use RUNDIR

Matt Weber matthew.weber at rockwellcollins.com
Sun Jul 23 01:53:03 UTC 2017

RUNDIR installs the test applications and shared libraries
into a different folder then /usr/lib.  This is desired as
there are a lot of test apps which would get installed into
/usr/lib without organization.  Instead, set RUNDIR=/usr/lib/paxtest
to install the test apps and libraries in a sub folder.
The genpaxtest script accounts for this path and handles
a LD_LIBRARY_PATH update as part of the paxtest script's exeuction.

Signed-off-by: Matthew Weber <matthew.weber at rockwellcollins.com>
 package/paxtest/paxtest.mk | 9 +++++++--
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/package/paxtest/paxtest.mk b/package/paxtest/paxtest.mk
index 5eaee86..e632e22 100644
--- a/package/paxtest/paxtest.mk
+++ b/package/paxtest/paxtest.mk
@@ -11,15 +11,20 @@ PAXTEST_LICENSE_FILES = README
-		CC="$(TARGET_CC)" LD="$(TARGET_CC)" linux
+		RUNDIR="/usr/lib/paxtest" CC="$(TARGET_CC)" LD="$(TARGET_CC)" linux
+# The files installed to RUNDIR include test apps and shared libs.
+# Assuming /usr/bin/paxtest script solely uses these libs and apps, the
+# genpaxtest script updates LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the paxtest script
+# as part of the paxtest's creation to include the RUNDIR path for shared
+# library use.
 		CC="$(TARGET_CC)" LD="$(TARGET_CC)" \
 		BINDIR="usr/bin" \
-		RUNDIR="usr/lib" -f Makefile.psm install
+		RUNDIR="/usr/lib/paxtest" -f Makefile.psm install
 $(eval $(generic-package))

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