[Buildroot] Builroot - android ndk

Alvaro Denis denisacostaq at gmail.com
Sat Apr 15 17:38:05 UTC 2017

Hello all,
In some point the documentation say:

"We do not support toolchains or SDK generated by OpenEmbedded or Yocto,
because these toolchains are not pure toolchains (i.e. just the compiler,
binutils, the C and C++ libraries). Instead these toolchains come with a
very large set of pre-compiled libraries and programs. Therefore, Buildroot
cannot import the *sysroot* of the toolchain, as it would contain hundreds
of megabytes of pre-compiled libraries that are normally built by Buildroot.

If I build the toolchain using make_standalone_toolchain.py
it is a "pure toolchain"? it can be used in buildroot as preintstaled

Thanks in advance :)

Ing. Alvaro Denis Acosta
[image: https://]about.me/denisacostaq

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