[Buildroot] [PATCH] toolchain-external: fix potential entire root filesystem removal

Peter Korsgaard peter at korsgaard.com
Thu Sep 15 21:21:06 UTC 2016

>>>>> "Arnout" == Arnout Vandecappelle <arnout at mind.be> writes:


 >  TBH, I don't think it's worthwhile to include any other patch in 2016.08.1, not
 > even the fbterm one. It's just more effort than it's worth.

Yeah, agreed.

 >> >  But nothing is really screaming that it should be included.
 >> Ok. We should probably figure out if we need to revert the CMAKE_SYSROOT
 >> addition (e8c3755676) and include that if needed.

 >  Er, why would we need to revert it? Did I miss something?

I thought it had been discussed on the list, but apparently not. We got
a report on IRC (I unfortunately don't have logs) that builds of custom
packages using cmake were failing with 2016.08. It is apparently caused
by CMAKE_SYSROOT transforming -I$STAGING_DIR/usr/include into --sysroot
$STAGING_DIR -I /usr/include. In 2016.08 we now default
BR2_COMPILER_PARANOID_UNSAFE_PATH to y, so it complains about it.

I don't quite understand how come this doesn't trigger on the
autobuilders and I haven't had time to investigate, but I got a 2nd
report off list with the same problem, so it sounds real.

Samuel, any ideas?

Venlig hilsen,
Peter Korsgaard 

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