[Buildroot] Xenomai 3.x

Jean-Michel Hautbois jean-michel.hautbois at veo-labs.com
Wed Oct 5 08:31:28 UTC 2016

Hi Jerry,

2016-10-05 9:54 GMT+02:00  <jerry at chordia.co.uk>:
> Hello Jean-Michel
>> Subject: Xenomai 3.x
>> Hi !
>> I am trying to get a working Xenomai 3.x package with buildroot.
>> My main objective is to have it running with Mercury (ie. PREEMPT_RT and
>> not Adeos), and ideally with the compatibility layer for Xenomai 2.x existing
>> applications.
> I'm afraid I ran out of time on that one and had to settle for PREMPT_RT alone.

What do you mean exactly, did you install a PREEMPT_RT kernel and have
a Xenomai 3.x on your side or no Xenomai at all, due to a lack of time


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