[Buildroot] The best way to add a new group to /etc/group

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Fri Mar 18 17:43:59 UTC 2016

Óscar, All,

On 2016-03-18 10:38 +0100, Óscar Gómez Fuente spake thusly:
> I'm building a new package in buildroot and I would like to know the best
> way to add a new group.
> I have to add a new group called: test_group. In my system (with
> INIT_SYSV). I have a user called root and I have to add it to this group
> too.
> I've read the section "17.5.2. generic-package reference" in the buidroot
> manual and find this variable: NAMEPACKAGE_USERS that it's very interesting
> because automatically it adds the user you want and the uid and guid can be
> computed automatically, so is very useful.
> Does anyone know if there is something similar to add a group?

Yes, it's simple: specify the username as just a plain dash '-', as
explained in the manual:

    username is the desired user name (aka login name) for the user. It
    can not be root, and must be unique. If set to -, then just a group
    will be created.

Yann E. MORIN.

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