[Buildroot] [PATCH] busybox: use md5 as default password algorithm

Peter Korsgaard peter at korsgaard.com
Thu Mar 10 22:00:42 UTC 2016

>>>>> "Gustavo" == Gustavo Zacarias <gustavo at zacarias.com.ar> writes:

 > On 10/03/16 17:01, Peter Korsgaard wrote:
 >> So this is what is used when you change password through the busybox
 >> passwd applet or create a new user, right?
 >> Shouldn't we instead tweak this based on BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_PASSWD_*?

 > Yes.
 > This is the lowest-common which is guaranteed to work on all
 > scenarios, once we decide/switch to sha256 as default we can update it
 > here, but i wouldn't defer this until then.

Ehh, yes - But if you have enabled E.G BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_PASSWD_SHA512
then that is what the busybox passwd applet should use. Having it do md5
instead of des is still wrong.

Venlig hilsen,
Peter Korsgaard 

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