[Buildroot] New to list

Manuel Groß mgr at nordkrater.de
Wed Jul 20 15:57:37 UTC 2016

On Wed, 20 Jul 2016 07:32:57 -0700
Chris Sparks <mr_ada at cox.net> wrote:

> On a different note would it better that I clone the repository
> instead of download ZIPs?  It seems
> that with all of the activity I might benefit from 
> fetching/pulling/rebasing.

That depends.

If you want to contribute yourself, or want to build specific up-to-date
revisions between the releases, cloning and using the git repository
would be definately the way to go.
If you want to build your stuff with stable releases, the tarballs
should suffice.

I personally like to have the git repository cloned and browse the log
from time to time.
Manuel Groß
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