[Buildroot] Buildroot, github and nopullrequest.com

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Sat Jul 16 16:46:04 UTC 2016

Angelo, All,

On 2016-07-16 14:44 +0200, Angelo Compagnucci spake thusly:
> Personally, I'm really sad that the buildroot infrastructure is
> currently down from a few days, buildroot is such a wonderful project
> that not merits such a shame.

Yes, DDoS are painful... :-(

> Obviously, the infrastructure behind buildroot is not up to date to
> the current standards, I think we should change.

That's something that had been floating for the past year or so...

> So, I'm drafting a tentative approach, and I'm sharing it with you.
> Obviously I'm not entitled in acting in any way, but hey, can I dream
> for a better Buildroot?!

Your input is much welcome! :-)

We all believe self-hosting is a waste of time: it's too difficult, we
don't really need it, and it would not be much better than what we have
today. We all believe a forge of some sort is what we want to go to.

> 1) Website: we have a github account, we have github pages, we should
> switch there! The only downside here is that github pages doesn't
> suppo SSI, so we should write a simple bash script to assemble the
> website before publication. Github pages resides on their own
> repository, so we can have the website as always in the main
> repository and the bash script will assemble the website in an outside
> directory where the other repository it's cloned.

There is also Gitlab. I would favour Gitlab over github, if at least
because it is an open source project, not a closed, walled garden like
Github is. All things being equal, Gitlab is on par with github
regarding the features we need, plus a killer one: we can disable PRs
alltogether with Gitlab, which we can't with Github.

And if we were ever to re-self-host, we could take the data as-is with
our own instance of Gitlab. And even if moving to something else than
Gitlab, taking the data out of Gitlab is easier than out of Github.

> 2) We have a github account, we should use it as the main repository.
> No other words here.

Or Gitlab! ;-)

> 3) Githb pull requests. Obviously, we won't github pull requests, and
> here enters the game https://nopullrequests.com.

Or Gitlab, which allows to disable PRs altogether.

> It's a simple github
> webhook that closes a PR with a message. The source is publicly
> available on github. We can use that service as is, or run an instance
> ourselves on GAE.

As Thomas said, I'm not too comfortable with allowing a third party
automatic access to our repo. Especially since it looks like it wants a
Google account.

As for running an instance ourselves, it would mean we self-host again,
which wee don;t want.

> I had a look at the source code and it's pretty
> secure, once it's authorized on github, it receives a message on each
> pull requests and replies immediately without keeping anything
> (caching or disk). Hosting our instance on GAE will have the benefit
> on personalizing the commit message with something more specific than
> the pretty aseptic default message.
> 4) Issues: well, everything is better than bugzilla!

Issues in Github are a pain IMHO: except for their "template", there is
no possibility to have arbitrary fields. Git lab is not much better in
this respect either.

And there's still the emails for each commit: neither Github nor Gitlab
can do that; they can only send an email per push, not per commit.

However, with Gitlab, it looks like we could implement it and do a PR.
With Github, there's no way we can do it.

So, lemme recap:

                            | Github            | Gitlab            |
License                     | Proprietary       | Open Source       |
Network effect              | Definitely        | Somewhat          |
git tree                    | Yes               | Yes               |
Web pages                   | Static            | Static            |
web hooks                   | Yes               | Yes               |
C.I.                        | Yes, many [0]     | Yes, many [1]     |
emails                      | on push           | on push [2]       |
IRC                         | No?               | irker             |
Markup language             | Markdown (MD)     | Markdown (MD)     |
README                      | Yes, MD           | Yes, MD           |
Issue tracker               | Yes, minimal, MD  | Yes, minimal, MD  |
Snippets                    | Yes               | Yes               |
Export project data         | No?               | Yes               |

So there is no clear winner. The only things that would tip the scale is
the license and the possibility to have per-commit emails.

My favourite is obviously Gitlab. ;-)

[0] of which, Travis
[1] of which, Jenkins
[2] The source code is available, we could do the modifications and
    submit back to Gitlab; for now, I opened an issue there;

Yann E. MORIN.

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