[Buildroot] [PATCH] procps-ng: remove the remaining busybox symlinks

Vicente Olivert Riera Vincent.Riera at imgtec.com
Tue Jan 12 14:23:01 UTC 2016

procps-ng is installed after busybox to ensure that its tools overwrite
the ones installed by busybox. However, some busybox symlinks for tools
which are now provided by procps-ng remain in /bin and /sbin pointing to
the busybox binary.

This shouldn't be a problem since the /usr/bin directory is listed
before /bin in the $PATH variable. However there could be some scripts
out there hardcoding the path of those tools calling them by "/bin/ps"
for instance.

So in order to avoid potential problems we just remove all busybox
symlinks for the tools which are now provided by procps-ng.

Signed-off-by: Vicente Olivert Riera <Vincent.Riera at imgtec.com>
 package/procps-ng/procps-ng.mk | 15 +++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+)

diff --git a/package/procps-ng/procps-ng.mk b/package/procps-ng/procps-ng.mk
index 07e98b9..784977d 100644
--- a/package/procps-ng/procps-ng.mk
+++ b/package/procps-ng/procps-ng.mk
@@ -17,8 +17,23 @@ PROCPS_NG_GETTEXTIZE = YES
 # If both procps-ng and busybox are selected, make certain procps-ng
 # wins the fight over who gets to have their utils actually installed.
+# Also remove the remaining busybox symlinks for tools which are now
+# provided by procps-ng.
 ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX),y)
+	for i in free kill pgrep pidof pkill pmap ps pwdx slabtop tload top uptime vmstat w watch; do \
+		if [ "$$(readlink $(TARGET_DIR)/bin/$$i)" == "busybox" ]; then \
+			rm $(TARGET_DIR)/bin/$$i; \
+		fi; \
+	done
+	if [ "$$(readlink $(TARGET_DIR)/sbin/sysctl)" == "../bin/busybox" ]; then \
+		rm $(TARGET_DIR)/sbin/sysctl; \
+	fi

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