[Buildroot] systemd-timesyncd doesn't start with default config and skeleton

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Mon Aug 22 08:51:01 UTC 2016

Zoltan, All,

On 2016-08-22 10:41 +0200, Zoltan Gyarmati spake thusly:
> Dear All,
> with version 2016.08-rc2, with the default systemd configuration the
> systemd-timesyncd start fails with the error msg:
> buildroot systemd[115]: systemd-timesyncd.service: Failed at step
> NAMESPACE spawning /lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd: No such file or directory
>  It seems that the problem is that in the default rootfs skeleton the
> /var/tmp dir is a symlink to /tmp, and in
> /usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-timesyncd.service the PrivateTmp
> variable is set.
> Either removing the PrivateTmp=yes or making /var/tmp a directory on its
> own solves the issue. What solution would be preferable to fix this?

The best solution is that I get to finish my skeleton-revamp series and
get it merged( first was submitted on the lkist, second is WIP taking
into account the comments that were made on the first):

Unfortunately, that won't be in 2016.08, as I haven't had time to finish
it properly before rc1. So it will only go in for next cycle... :-/

In the meantime, just use a post-build script that cleans up the mess,
like tweaking the unit file to not require PrivateTmp, or to remove the
/var/tmp symlink and make it a directory.

Yann E. MORIN.

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