[Buildroot] issue with the QT5, buildroot 2016-05

Zhaozhou Meng mengzhaozhou at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 11:23:59 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I use the buildroot 2016.05 version, the board nitrogen6x with cpu imx6 and
the u-boot 2016.03 version.
I built the QT5.6 with eglfs, opengl es2 without X11, when I run the
examples on the board, I found that some example works perfectly, but some
example doesn't work, like opengl/cube with the error :
"audit: type=1701 audit(1455208187.550:2): auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)"
The same error also happened for my own QT project compiled with buidlroot
I don't know if you have the same problems,

Another problem is that I tried to compile the QT5.5.1 with the buildroot
toolchain and sysroot.
using the configure like this:
./configure -v -no-opengl -opengl es2 -eglfs -no-xcb -no-pch -make libs
-make tools
 -make examples -opensource -confirm-license -release -xplatform
linux-arm-gnueabi-g++  -sysroot /buildroot-2016.05/output/staging -prefix

I have modified the qmake.conf under /qtbase/mkspec/linux-arm-gnueabi-g++
using the compiler under

Then I tested the example on the board, the same error like above for the
/opengl/cube and the example 3D doesn't work with "egl error, could not
create egl surface 0x300b"

if you have the same problems  ?
Do you have any ideas ?

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