[Buildroot] migrating manual makefile to autotools-based packages

aurelien coulaud aurelien.coulaud at thalesgroup.com
Wed Apr 6 13:14:39 UTC 2016


I am using an old buildroot 2011 with external packages using manual makefiles.

Now I am migrating to buildroot 2016.02 and this doc
(http://free-electrons.com/~thomas/buildroot/manual/html/ch11.html) explains
that manual makefile are now obsolete.

and the official doc of buildroot does not mention manual makefile :
manual makefile is not supported on 2016.02, I am right ?
Is there a way to continue to use manual makefile?

Otherwise is there a tool to migrate easily manual makefile to autotools-based ?

Thank you for your answer.
Best regards,


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