[Buildroot] [PATCH v6 06/16] package/opencv: reduce modules on by default

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Fri Jun 26 15:35:47 UTC 2015

Samuel, All,

On 2015-06-26 17:34 +0200, Yann E. MORIN spake thusly:
> On 2015-06-25 21:59 +0200, Samuel Martin spake thusly:
> > Since its integration into Buildroot, OpenCV always enables all modules
> > by default because the inter-module denpedency were not supported.
> > 
> > Now that OpenCV inter-module dependencies are correctly set at the
> > Buildroot configuration level, it is possible to reduce the enabled
> > module list to its minimal set, letting kconfig enable the other
> > modules.
> > 
> > This change will not change anything WRT a defconfig build with opencv.
> > 
> > Cc: "Yann E. Morin" <yann.morin.1998 at free.fr>
> > Signed-off-by: Samuel Martin <s.martin49 at gmail.com>
> Although I'm usually not opposed to getting the smallest possible config
> as a default, as you say this one breaks existing defconfigs.
> OTOH, do we really care?
> Anyway, I won't ack this one, but I am not ooposed to it being merged
> either.

This should have been a comment to the following patch:
    package/opencv: disable all modules by default

Sorry for the confusion...

Yann E. MORIN.

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