[Buildroot] grub2 and 2015.02-rc2

Gary Partis gary at partis.co.uk
Tue Feb 17 12:58:10 UTC 2015

Hi all


I use BR2_ROOTFS_POST_IMAGE_SCRIPT to generate a disk image after completing
a build, and most of the commands work great using the "hosted" versions
within the build (ie. dd, parted, mkefs, e2cp etc).


However, when calling "grub-install", it throws back the error 


: line 79: /usr/share/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib: No such file or directory


as it is attempting to access a file in the host's filesystem, and not the
"hosted" version.


Is there a simple workaround for this, or am I missing something really


Thanks in advance,


Gary Partis


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