[Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] ti-gfx: pkg-config should also set parent include dir

Peter Kümmel syntheticpp at gmx.net
Fri May 30 21:39:26 UTC 2014

On 30.05.2014 23:23, Yann E. MORIN wrote:
> Peter, All,
> On 2014-05-30 23:16 +0200, Peter Kümmel spake thusly:
>> On 30.05.2014 22:57, Yann E. MORIN wrote:
>>> Peter, All,
>>> On 2014-05-30 22:41 +0200, Peter Kümmel spake thusly:
>>>> In short: anybody assumes "#include <GLES2/gl2.h>" works when the search
>>>> paths of pkg-config are used. But when pkg-config reports /usr/include/GLES2
>>>> gl2.h could not be found, because there is no /usr/include/GLES2/GLES2/gl2.h.
>>>> Until now this doesn't pop up because by chance the directory GLES2
>>>> resides in /usr/include and this path is added by most by build systems.
>>>> But the cmake configure scripts of Qt5 test for "GLES2/gl2.h" only in the path
>>>> reported by pkg-config.
>>> And what if we do not specify any Cflags in the .pc? Is Qt5's configure
>>> script happy with that?
>>> Regards,
>>> Yann E. MORIN.
>> The cmake code generated by Qt5 is very restrictive
>> (sysroot/usr/lib/cmake/Qt5Gui/Qt5GuiConfigExtras.cmake):
>> set(_GL_INCDIRS "/usr/include/GLES2")
>> find_path(_qt5gui_OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR GLES2/gl2.h
>> where _GL_INCDIRS is the path list reported by pkg-config.
>> So specifying an empty Cflags would also fail because
>> no paths at all are searched.
> Well, *this* is a very good explanation! Thanks! :-)

Great, feels like I could now finish the explanation with "q.e.d".

> Please update your commit log with explanations similar to the above,
> and respin (wait a bit until the others can comment).

I'm sure there are other gl .pc files which will not work when
Qt5 projects are build using CMake. Should I also fix these pc files? (in a different patch?)

> Regards,
> Yann E. MORIN.

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