[Buildroot] root password and dhcp

cem akpolat akpolatcem at gmail.com
Mon May 26 22:28:00 UTC 2014


I figured out dhcp server issue when I noticed that wlan interface doesn't
get ip addresses. I am now using dnsmasq configuration ant it works fine.

About netlink message "netlink: 20 bytes leftover after parsing
attributes", it is still there.

Am 26.05.2014 12:05 schrieb "cem akpolat" <akpolatcem at gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> After removing dhcp-server from the configuration list, I recompiled the
> whole image and tested it again. However, the problem is still there, and
> shows the same error "dnsmasq: failed to bind DHCP server socket: Address
> already in use ". netstat result indicates that dnsmasq listens on 53 port
> as below:
> # netstat -anlp | grep -w LISTEN
> tcp        0      0  *
> LISTEN      1493/openvpn
> tcp        0      0    *
> LISTEN      11794/dnsmasq
> tcp        0      0    *
> LISTEN      1459/dropbear
> That is a bit interesting. By the way, all files in the filesystem seem as
> executable files, is that really normal ?
> Another point that I didn't mention in the previous mails I am always
> seeing "netlink: 20 bytes leftover after parsing attributes". This message
> comes directly from netlink source code (
> http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/lib/nlattr.c). It seems as a bug.
> May be I should open another topic for that.
> Thank you,
> Cem
> Cem Akpolat
> On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 12:29 PM, cem akpolat <akpolatcem at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi Gustavo,
>> Actually, the last sentence "My guess is you are trying both to get a
>> result and this happened, and
>> that you only want dnsmasq around." explains that I want to do. Therefore
>> I will try to disable to dhcp/dhcp-server and than compile the source code
>> again. I was thinking, it might be case that dnsmasq uses dhcp-server,
>> however, in this case dhcp-server would have been a dependecy for dnsmasq.
>> As soon as I compile and attempt to run it, I will inform you, thank you
>> again.
>> Regards.
>>  P.S: Sorry for the mailing list, I noticed yesterday, and then
>> send separately another mail to the mailing list.
>> Cem
>> Cem Akpolat
>> On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 12:15 PM, Gustavo Zacarias <
>> gustavo at zacarias.com.ar> wrote:
>>> On 05/23/2014 10:35 PM, cem akpolat wrote:
>>> >> Well, you're somewhat light on details so we're left here to guess.
>>> >> One possibility is that your dnsmasq package has dhcp support
>>> disabled,
>>> >> another possibility is that your wlan0 doesn't belong to a proper
>>> >> subnet/hasn't got an ip address configured at all to match that range.
>>> >> Again, i can just guess without some proper information.
>>> >> Regards.
>>> >
>>> > Regarding dnsmasq configuration, I enabled the dhcp support of dnsmasq,
>>> > and dnsmasq actually tries to run dhcp, but the following error arises:
>>> >
>>> > *dnsmasq: failed to bind DHCP server socket: Address already in use*
>>> > *
>>> > *
>>> > At that point, I wonder is there another dhcp server running at the
>>> > background? Even if  this could be the case, dnsmasq stops all dhcp
>>> > server and then restart with respect to the given configurations.
>>> > Apart from dhsmasq package, I added also dhcp-relay and dhcp-server
>>> > which are under dhcp package. Can dhcp-server lead to the conflict in
>>> > this case ?
>>> >
>>> > Thank you for all recommendations, they helped a lot!
>>> Hi.
>>> Remember to copy the mailing list too, someone else might be interested
>>> in the future.
>>> Well, there's your problem then, you enable the dhcp package which acts
>>> as a dhcp server and dnsmasq which does so as well, so you can't have
>>> both doing the same job.
>>> So either you just use one by unselecting the other or if you need both
>>> you'll need to tell each other to not meddle with the interface the
>>> other is using via configuration files (interface=xx in dnsmasq.conf,
>>> for dhcp i believe you need an invocation option for that).
>>> My guess is you are trying both to get a result and this happened, and
>>> that you only want dnsmasq around.
>>> Regards.
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