[Buildroot] [PATCH V4 1/2] google-breakpad: new package

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Thu Jun 5 20:28:18 UTC 2014

Pascal, All,

On 2014-06-05 22:21 +0200, Pascal Hürst spake thusly:
> > Besides, not all package install their files in staging. You
> > should use TARGET_DIR instead.
> Aren't all binaries in TARGET_DIR stripped? If so, it doesn't really
> make sense to run gen_syms in TARGET_DIR.

They are stripped only just before making the filesystem images.
So, if you run your script before that, you'll get unstripped binaries
in the target/ dir.

[--SNIP alternate script proposal--]
> Ok, I understand your concerns and the find-call is by far not
> perfect, but the whole reason why I setup the directory structure that
> way, is because googles minidump-stackwalk expects it that way. See:
> https://code.google.com/p/google-breakpad/wiki/LinuxStarterGuide#Producing_symbols_for_your_application

OK (I was afraid that layout was indeed a requirement). You can keep the
layout as you created it. Just adapt my script so it generates the proper

Yann E. MORIN.

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