[Buildroot] [git commit] support/scripts: introduce a symbol formatter to generate package lists

Thomas Petazzoni thomas.petazzoni at free-electrons.com
Sun Jun 8 15:10:32 UTC 2014

commit: http://git.buildroot.net/buildroot/commit/?id=fe696d7c658ee498ab07f1490588417e102e47f4
branch: http://git.buildroot.net/buildroot/commit/?id=refs/heads/master

Currently, we can generate two different tables of packages:
  - a single-column table with the symbols' prompts,
  - a two-column table with the symbols' prompts and locations in the

For virtual packages, this is not enough, since we will have to display
more columns, with different content:
  - the virtual package name (but such symbols do not have a prompt)
  - the symbol name
  - the providers for the virtual package

So, instead of having a single function that knows how to generate any
table, introduce a formatter function that is passed as argument to,
and called by format_asciidoc_table(). Such formatter functions are
responsible for providing:
  - the layout of the table (number of columns, column arrangement),
  - the formatted header line,
  - a formatted line for a symbol.

What the formatter should ouput depends on its arguments:
  - if none are passed, the layout is returned,
  - if the header label is passed, it returns the formatted header line,
  - otherwise, it returns the formatted line for a symbol.

Two formatter functions are introduced in this changeset, to replace the
current 'sub_menu' feature:
  - _format_symbol_prompt() to display a one-column table with only the
    symbols' prompts,
  - _format_symbol_prompt_location() to display a two-column table with
    the symbols' prompts and locations.

This will help us to later introduce a new formatter to generate a table
for virtual packages.

[Thanks to Samuel for his pythonistic help!]

Signed-off-by: "Yann E. MORIN" <yann.morin.1998 at free.fr>
Cc: Samuel Martin <s.martin49 at gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Petazzoni <thomas.petazzoni at free-electrons.com>
 support/scripts/gen-manual-lists.py |   81 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/support/scripts/gen-manual-lists.py b/support/scripts/gen-manual-lists.py
index 352c08f..74d115d 100644
--- a/support/scripts/gen-manual-lists.py
+++ b/support/scripts/gen-manual-lists.py
@@ -109,50 +109,33 @@ def get_symbol_parents(item, root=None, enable_choice=False):
 def format_asciidoc_table(root, get_label_func, filter_func=lambda x: True,
-                          enable_choice=False, sorted=True, sub_menu=True,
+                          format_func=lambda x: x,
+                          enable_choice=False, sorted=True,
     """ Return the asciidoc formatted table of the items and their location.
     :param root:           Root item of the item subset
     :param get_label_func: Item's label getter function
     :param filter_func:    Filter function to apply on the item subset
+    :param format_func:    Function to format a symbol and the table header
     :param enable_choice:  Enable choices to appear as part of the item's
     :param sorted:         Flag to alphabetically sort the table
-    :param sub_menu:       Output the column with the sub-menu path
-    def _format_entry(item, parents, sub_menu):
-        """ Format an asciidoc table entry.
-        """
-        if sub_menu:
-            return "| {0:<40} <| {1}\n".format(item, " -> ".join(parents))
-        else:
-            return "| {0:<40}\n".format(item)
     lines = []
     for item in get_symbol_subset(root, filter_func):
-        loc = get_symbol_parents(item, root, enable_choice=enable_choice)
-        lines.append(_format_entry(get_label_func(item), loc, sub_menu))
+        lines.append(format_func(what="symbol", symbol=item, root=root,
+                                 get_label_func=get_label_func,
+                                 enable_choice=enable_choice))
     if sorted:
         lines.sort(key=lambda x: x.lower())
-    if hasattr(root, "get_title"):
-        loc_label = get_symbol_parents(root, None, enable_choice=enable_choice)
-        loc_label += [root.get_title(), "..."]
-    else:
-        loc_label = ["Location"]
-    if not item_label:
-        item_label = "Items"
     table = ":halign: center\n\n"
-    if sub_menu:
-        width = "100%"
-        columns = "^1,4"
-    else:
-        width = "30%"
-        columns = "^1"
+    width, columns = format_func(what="layout")
     table = "[width=\"{0}\",cols=\"{1}\",options=\"header\"]\n".format(width, columns)
     table += "|===================================================\n"
-    table += _format_entry(item_label, loc_label, sub_menu)
+    table += format_func(what="header", header=item_label, root=root)
     table += "\n" + "".join(lines) + "\n"
     table += "|===================================================\n"
     return table
@@ -180,22 +163,22 @@ class Buildroot:
             'filename': "package-list",
             'root_menu': "Target packages",
             'filter': "_is_real_package",
+            'format': "_format_symbol_prompt_location",
             'sorted': True,
-            'sub_menu': True,
         'host-packages': {
             'filename': "host-package-list",
             'root_menu': "Host utilities",
             'filter': "_is_real_package",
+            'format': "_format_symbol_prompt",
             'sorted': True,
-            'sub_menu': False,
         'deprecated': {
             'filename': "deprecated-list",
             'root_menu': None,
             'filter': "_is_deprecated",
+            'format': "_format_symbol_prompt_location",
             'sorted': False,
-            'sub_menu': True,
@@ -324,6 +307,45 @@ class Buildroot:
             label += " *(deprecated)*"
         return label
+    def _format_symbol_prompt(self, what=None, symbol=None, root=None,
+                                    enable_choice=False, header=None,
+                                    get_label_func=lambda x: x):
+        if what == "layout":
+            return ( "30%", "^1" )
+        if what == "header":
+            return "| {0:<40}\n".format(header)
+        if what == "symbol":
+            return "| {0:<40}\n".format(get_label_func(symbol))
+        message = "Invalid argument 'what': '%s'\n" % str(what)
+        message += "Allowed values are: 'layout', 'header' and 'symbol'"
+        raise Exception(message)
+    def _format_symbol_prompt_location(self, what=None, symbol=None, root=None,
+                                             enable_choice=False, header=None,
+                                             get_label_func=lambda x: x):
+        if what == "layout":
+            return ( "100%", "^1,4" )
+        if what == "header":
+            if hasattr(root, "get_title"):
+                loc_label = get_symbol_parents(root, None, enable_choice=enable_choice)
+                loc_label += [root.get_title(), "..."]
+            else:
+                loc_label = ["Location"]
+            return "| {0:<40} <| {1}\n".format(header, " -> ".join(loc_label))
+        if what == "symbol":
+            parents = get_symbol_parents(symbol, root, enable_choice)
+            return "| {0:<40} <| {1}\n".format(get_label_func(symbol),
+                                               " -> ".join(parents))
+        message = "Invalid argument 'what': '%s'\n" % str(what)
+        message += "Allowed values are: 'layout', 'header' and 'symbol'"
+        raise Exception(message)
     def print_list(self, list_type, enable_choice=True, enable_deprecated=True,
                    dry_run=False, output=None):
         """ Print the requested list. If not dry run, then the list is
@@ -356,6 +378,7 @@ class Buildroot:
             root_item = self.config
         filter_ = getattr(self, list_config.get('filter'))
         filter_func = lambda x: filter_(x)
+        format_func = getattr(self, list_config.get('format'))
         if not enable_deprecated and list_type != "deprecated":
             filter_func = lambda x: filter_(x) and not self._is_deprecated(x)
         mark_depr = list_type != "deprecated"
@@ -364,9 +387,9 @@ class Buildroot:
         table = format_asciidoc_table(root_item, get_label,
+                                      format_func=format_func,
-                                      sub_menu=list_config.get('sub_menu'),
         content = self.list_in.format(table=table)

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