[Buildroot] Bumping packages: some comments/suggestions

Thomas De Schampheleire patrickdepinguin at gmail.com
Mon Oct 14 10:02:35 UTC 2013

On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 11:38 AM, Jeremy Rosen <jeremy.rosen at openwide.fr> wrote:
> yeah, that's the "might not be a good idea" part... I was more thinking
> on the line of "this is a minor release and it compiles correctly, it's
> probably an easy job to test and bump" i.e for the case of minor/security
> releases upstream. It's a balance between helping maintainers work fast,
> helping project managers see low hanging fruites and making sure people
> are not too lazy...

What I wanted to add in this discussion is this: if there are people
out there that have time for some buildroot development but they have
no clear goal of their own, they can among others choose between
package bumps and fixing autobuild failures.
While there certainly is value in package bumping, I hope that not all
of these people jump onto the bump-train and instead help with the
autobuild failures. We still hope to get to 0 failures at some point,
and bumping packages all the time will most of the time only add new

Best regards,

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