[Buildroot] [PATCH 8/9] manual: update get-involved section

Samuel Martin s.martin49 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 5 19:49:13 UTC 2013

* add events from the html page to the list
* add "Buildroot material" section. This new section references material
  (video, slides, posters, etc) used during presentations about Buildroot.

Signed-off-by: Samuel Martin <s.martin49 at gmail.com>

Let me know if I miss some events, or if you have some unreferenced
material urls or url fixes.


Signed-off-by: Samuel Martin <s.martin49 at gmail.com>
 docs/manual/get-involved.txt | 145 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 135 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/manual/get-involved.txt b/docs/manual/get-involved.txt
index 49ab54c..27603a9 100644
--- a/docs/manual/get-involved.txt
+++ b/docs/manual/get-involved.txt
@@ -84,20 +84,145 @@ Currently, this page is mainly used as a _todo-list_.
-Buildroot Developer Days aside FOSDEM 2012 (February 3, 2012 - Brussels)
+Upcoming events
+* Buildroot Developer Days aside ELC-E 2013 (October 26-27 2013 - Edinburgh, UK)
+Announcement and draft agenda of the event can also be found on:
+** http://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/buildroot/2013-May/072645.html[]
+** http://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/buildroot/2013-August/076560.html[]
+** http://elinux.org/Buildroot:DeveloperDaysELCE2013[]
+Latest events
+* Lightning talks about 'Build system and Buildroot' at Kernel Recipes 2013
+  (September 24-25, 2013 - Paris, France)
+* GSoC participation (Summer 2013)
+For the fisrt time of of its life, Builldroot will participate to the Google
+Summer of Code 2013, by mentoring one student.
+This GSoC will mainly deal with improving support for ARM SoC multimedia features.
+** GSoC topic ideas: http://elinux.org/Buildroot:GSoC2013Ideas[]
+** GSoC project presentation: http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/org/google/gsoc2013/buildroot[]
+* Buildroot technical showcase at ELC 2013 (February 20-21, 2013 - San Francisco, US)
+** Poster: http://free-electrons.com/~thomas/pub/buildroot-poster.png[]
+** Slides: http://free-electrons.com/~thomas/pub/buildroot-slides.pdf[]
+* Buildroot Developer Days aside FOSDEM 2013 (February 4-5, 2012 - Brussels, Belgium)
+A report from the recent Buildroot Developers Meeting is now
+http://emlinews.net[Embedded Linux News] also has a
+about the event], including photos.
+Announcement and report of the event can alsobe found on the
+http://elinux.org/Buildroot:DeveloperDaysFOSDEM2013[related Wiki page].
+Once again, thanks to all the participants and to http://www.google.com[Google]
+for sponsoring the event.
+* Buildroot Developer Days aside ELC-E 2012 (November 3-4, 2012 - Barcelona, Spain)
+A report from the recent _Buildroot Developer Days_ meeting in Barcelona,
+Spain is now
+Many thanks to all the participants, and a special thanks to Arnout
+Vandecappelle from http://mind.be[mind] for taking notes and Thomas Petazzoni
+from http://free-electrons.com[Free Electrons] for handling all the practical
+arrangements, and naturally our sponsors, http://www.fluendo.com[Fluendo] and
+Announcement and report and draft agenda of the event can alsobe found on:
+** http://elinux.org/Buildroot:DeveloperDaysELCE2012[]
+** http://elinux.org/Buildroot#Buildroot_Developers_Meeting.2C_3-4_November_2012.2C_Barcelona_Spain[]
+* Buildroot presentation at LSM 2012 (July 12-14, 2012 - Geneva, Switzerland)
+** Announcement: http://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/buildroot/2012-May/053845.html[]
+* Buildroot presentation at ELC 2012 (February 15-17, 2012 - San Francisco, US)
+** Slides: http://elinux.org/images/9/9e/Buildroot2.pdf[]
+** Video: http://video.linux.com/videos/buildroot-a-nice-simple-and-efficient-embedded-linux-build-system[]
+* Buildroot Developer Days aside FOSDEM 2012 (February 3, 2012 - Brussels, Belgium)
+** Announcement:
+*** http://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/buildroot/2012-January/049340.html[]
+*** http://free-electrons.com/blog/bdd-2012-brussels[]
+** Report: http://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/buildroot/2012-February/050371.html[]
+* Buildroot presentation at ELC-E 2011 (October 26-28, 2011- Prague, Czech)
+** Slides: http://elinux.org/images/2/2a/Using-buildroot-real-project.pdf[]
+** Video:
+http://free-electrons.com/pub/video/2011/elce/elce-2011-petazzoni-buildroot-for-real-project.webm[full HD],
+ http://free-electrons.com/pub/video/2011/elce/elce-2011-petazzoni-buildroot-for-real-project-450p.webm[450x800]
+* Buildroot Developer Day aside ELC-E 2010 (October 29, 2010 - Cambridge, UK)
+** Announcement: http://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/buildroot/2010-September/037930.html[]
+* Buildroot presentation at FOSDEM 2010 (May 2, 2010 - Brussels, Belgium)
+** Presentation: http://fosdem.org/2010/schedule/events/emb_cross_build[Build Systems:
+Present & Future]
+** Slides: http://send-patches.org/news/20100211-1-FOSDEM-Crossdev-Workshop.pdf[]
+** Video: http://free-electrons.com/pub/video/2010/fosdem/fosdem2010-workshop-cross-build-systems.ogv[]
+* Buildroot Developer Day aside ELC-E 2009 (October 17, 2009 - Grenoble, France)
+The first _Buildroot Developer Day_ took place on Saturday, October 17th in
+Grenoble, France, just the day after Embedded Linux Conference Europe.
+This _Developer Day_ aims at allowing Buildroot developers to meet and exchange
+ideas on the project and its future.
+This _Developer Day_ took place thanks to the sponsoring of
+http://www.calao-systems.com[Calao Systems] and
+http://www.free-electrons.com[Free Electrons].
+Buildroot material
+Some regular contributors give talks about their works with Buildroot.
+Hereafter is a list of videos or slides or orther material used during these
-* Announcement & agenda thread: http://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/buildroot/2012-January/049340.html[]
-* Report: http://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/buildroot/2012-February/050371.html[]
+Keep in mind that the information given in these documents may be outdated,
+refers to this manual for the latest and up-to-date information.
-Buildroot Developer Days aside ELC-E 2012 (November 3-4, 2012 - Barcelona)
+* ELC 2013: Technical Showcase
+** http://free-electrons.com/~thomas/pub/buildroot-poster.png[Poster]
+** http://free-electrons.com/~thomas/pub/buildroot-slides.pdf[Slides]
-* Event page: http://elinux.org/Buildroot:DeveloperDaysELCE2012[]
+* ELC 2012: Buildroot: A nice, simple and efficient embedde Linux build system
+** http://elinux.org/images/9/9e/Buildroot2.pdf[Slides]
+** http://video.linux.com/videos/buildroot-a-nice-simple-and-efficient-embedded-linux-build-system[Video]
-Buildroot presentation at LSM 2012 (July 12-14, 2012 - Geneva)
+* ELC-E 2011: Using Buildroot in real projects
+** http://elinux.org/images/2/2a/Using-buildroot-real-project.pdf[Slides]
+** Videos:
+http://free-electrons.com/pub/video/2011/elce/elce-2011-petazzoni-buildroot-for-real-project.webm[full HD],
+ http://free-electrons.com/pub/video/2011/elce/elce-2011-petazzoni-buildroot-for-real-project-450p.webm[450x800]
-* Announcement: http://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/buildroot/2012-May/053845.html[]
+* FOSDEM 2010: Build Systems: Present & Future
+** http://send-patches.org/news/20100211-1-FOSDEM-Crossdev-Workshop.pdf[Slides]
+** http://free-electrons.com/pub/video/2010/fosdem/fosdem2010-workshop-cross-build-systems.ogv[Video]

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