[Buildroot] Interest in upgrading syslinux to 5.x?

Will Moore will.moore at beraninstruments.com
Wed Mar 20 09:50:30 UTC 2013

Hi Daniel, please bottom post, I've killed off the old part of the thread to
hide the sin ;-)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Price [mailto:daniel.price at gmail.com]
> Sent: 20 March 2013 09:26
> To: Will Moore
> Cc: buildroot at busybox.net
> Subject: Re: [Buildroot] Interest in upgrading syslinux to 5.x?
> Thanks Will, this is very helpful.  And the document you mentioned is
> a good reference, especially the background about 'make installer'--
> while I've been building the whole thing from source, I had been
> wondering what that was about.  I have a working syslinux-5.01 build
> which seems to solve my problems, but I am by no means an expert.  To
> answer your other question: yes, I think we have similar problems-- I
> need to support install from media and install from pxe, in a
> development environment.
> Today I posted a small patch to upgrade syslinux to 4.06.  You could
> test that if you like.  It seems like 4.06 cleaned up some rough edges
> when compiling 4.05-- or at least for me it did.

I will see what I can do.

> I guess we could add to buildroot a 'boot/syslinux5' recipe as a peer
> to 'boot/syslinux,' to provide some time for people to transition over
> (if the project heads were OK with that).  It has seemed to me by
> reading various forums that there are some transition headaches.

I am not sure on the policy for multiple versions but I know generally buildroot
does not do this.  This is a question for Peter and co...

If 4.06 is enough for you and the paint is still a little wet on 5.x then IMHO
better to stick to implementing the new features in 4.06 then updating at some
later time.

>          -dp

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