[Buildroot] More work on a package updates checking tool

arnaud aujon arnaud.aujon at gmail.com
Thu Dec 19 17:59:48 UTC 2013


Thanks for the review and the comments.
I'm going to update the script according to your comments and I will do
some clean up.
About the package number, the script is currently only checking target
packages, It was just to have less packages to handle at the beginning, I
will update that too.



2013/12/19 Thomas Petazzoni <thomas.petazzoni at free-electrons.com>

> Dear arnaud aujon,
> On Thu, 19 Dec 2013 17:21:35 +0100, arnaud aujon wrote:
> > I did more work on a tool to check if packages are up-to-date.
> > This is still a dev script, so kind of ugly, but the output is really
> > better, even if there is still some false detections.
> >
> > generated html : http://intelibre.fr/buildroot/out.html
> > script : http://intelibre.fr/buildroot/check-updates.py
> > everything else : http://intelibre.fr/buildroot/
> >
> > Hope you can find some interests in it.
> This is *really* cool.
> Now, I'd like to see this integrated in Buildroot and in the autobuild
> infrastructure. Currently, the autobuild infrastructure executes the
> support/scripts/pkg-stats shell script everyday, and the result is
> visible at http://autobuild.buildroot.org/stats/.
> So, what would be really great is to slightly enhance your script to
> also make it display what pkg-stats is showing in terms of informations:
>  * Infrastructure used by the package
>  * Whether it's target, target+host, or host
>  * Number of patches
>  * Whether it has license info, and license files info
> And next to it, add your "current version", "latest available version",
> "provider" and "status" informations.
> Once your script does that, we can simply throw away the pkg-stats
> shell script, and replace it with your new Python-based pkg-stats
> script that does all the version checking, and we can commit it in the
> Buildroot tree.
> Other things to do / look at :
>  * Integrate the template.html contents directly in the script itself,
>    using a multiline string:
> template = """
> <html>
> <head>
>   <title>Buildroot packages updates</title>
>   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"/>
>   <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-2.0.3.min.js"></script>
>   <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.tablesorter.min.js"></script>
>   <script type="text/javascript">
> ...
> """
>    This way, we avoid the dependency on template.html
>  * Use URLs to public version of the jquery code and the tablesorter
>    plugin, so we are not forced to add these in the Buildroot tree as
>    well.
>  * Understand why your script analyses "only" 862 packages, while the
>    current pkg-stats script finds 1165 packages.
> Another bonus point if you add an option to the script (like pkg-stats
> -t) that would generate a text-only output that we could mail to the
> mailing list every week or so (a bit like the autobuilder results).
> Are you interested in doing this? If so, then I'll be more than happy
> to deploy your pkg-stats script on autobuild.buildroot.org, as a
> replacement to the current one.
> Best regards,
> Thomas
> --
> Thomas Petazzoni, CTO, Free Electrons
> Embedded Linux, Kernel and Android engineering
> http://free-electrons.com
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