[Buildroot] Confused about kernel-headers.

Randy Graham surfbytes at gmail.com
Wed Oct 24 22:41:16 UTC 2012


I am using buildroot snapshot 2012.10 to build a linux-3.7-rc1 kernel for
an ARM board and see that the latest kernel-header selectable is 3.5.x (3.7
headers are not listed).

So, my questions are:

1. Why do I need to specify a kernel-headers version when the source
tarball for linux-3.7-rc1 already has it ?

2. How does buildroot use the specified kernel-headers version?

3. How do I go about adding the 3.7 headers if they must be used with my
3.7 kernel ?

I have googled, searched the buildroot source and mailing list but am still

Thanks for any insights.

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