[Buildroot] [PATCH] sstrip preserve permissions

Danomi Manchego danomimanchego123 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 02:47:27 UTC 2012

Hi Peter,

>  Danomi> Unlike "strip", the "sstrip" does not preserve the file permissions
>  Danomi> of its target.  So if you have a package that sets special permissions,
>  Danomi> such as the setuid bit, sstrip will remove it.  This patch adds some
>  Danomi> minimal lines to preserve the permissions of stripped files.
> What is the use case for this? From a quick look it seems sstrip just

We have a proprietary CGI app that gets called by lighttpd, so the
caller isn't root.  I don't quite remember the exact operation that
caused us to do a chmod +s.  That's when we noticed that the +s perms
were disappearing when sstrip was used, but conserved when strip was

> truncates the source file, so permissions shouldn't change.

Nope.  Just try it on a file that gets cut down.  For example:

	$ ll output/target/usr/bin/i2cdetect
	-rwxr-xr-x 1 dmocelo dmocelo 34726 Nov  7 21:34

	$ chmod a+s output/target/usr/bin/i2cdetect

	$ ll output/target/usr/bin/i2cdetect
	-rwsr-sr-x 1 dmocelo dmocelo 34726 Nov  7 21:34

	$ # now I'll run a make with sstrip enabled
	$ make

	$ ll output/target/usr/bin/i2cdetect
	-rwxr-xr-x 1 dmocelo dmocelo 11630 Nov  7 21:36

> setuid (to root) doesn't make much sense as we're building as non-root
> and fixing up permissions at the end using fakeroot (E.G. see

We make our packages to be friendly to multiple build systems, so the
package makefile's install operation is taking care of the special
permission, rather than using a buildroot-specific mechanism.

But regardless, I was thinking that the difference compared to normal
strip operation was reason enough to want to preserve permissions.

Danomi -

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