[Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] Add FbTerm package for OMAP4 (targetting pandaboard) Signed-off-by: JoM <johann.mercadier at imerir.com>

MERCADIER Johann johann.mercadier at imerir.com
Wed Mar 21 11:06:07 UTC 2012

Hi Thomas & Arnout,

   and thanks a lot for your feedback!

   So you are right I probably done something wrong with git as when I
change from my local branch 'patch_FBTERM' to 'master' the Config.in in the
package directory only inhold fbterm contents?!  But the patch I sent was a
package/Config.in which hold all the packages so there is something that I
still don't understand.

  Thomas : In all case I will modify each of your suggestions. So as to be
totally compliant with the new way of writing .mk files.

  Arnout : Ok for the staging part, I understand clearly why it is not
needed. normally libz and libexpat are used by fbterm but the only lib
really needed when I port fbterm was the both I kept in the .mk file. Do
you think I need to write them also as the fact I didn't need them was part
of my own config for which they were already installed?

  About the help section, Thomas is right I made a copy/paste, but from
different sites so as to give users a good understanding of what they are
going to install, without the need to go searching around... Maybe  it's
not necessary as most on the informations are on the main website (
http://code.google.com/p/fbterm/)?... Just let me know and I will correct
this for good of all.

Try to make it today.



___Johann MERCADIER___

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