[Buildroot] Buildroot for Freescale PowerPC (PowerQUICC) MPC875

Eldor Rødseth (SystemSoft AS) er at systemsoft.no
Thu Mar 29 07:45:06 UTC 2012

Hi all,

We are currently running kernel version on a Freescale
PowerPC (PowerQUICC) MPC875.
and using Redboot as the bootloader. The Toolchain is ELDK version
4.1. We are considering
upgrading to a newer kernel version, mainly due to new HW layout with
some components being

I have no prior experience using buildroot, but would like to give it
a try for the Kernel and rootfs image
(I think I'll keep the bootloader.....).

I would be interested in a how-to for the correct configuration of the
MPC875. I have had a go at
"make menuconfig" but I am not comfortable with which choices to make for
target arch. variant, toolchain, kernel configuration, etc.

Appreciate any help - thanks.

Regards, Eldor

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