[Buildroot] populating an initramfs

Dallas Clement dallas.a.clement at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 21:37:58 UTC 2012

Thanks Avery.  This helps tremendously.

One more question:  How did you create device nodes in your initramfs?

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 4:34 PM, Avery Pennarun <apenwarr at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 5:13 PM, Dallas Clement
> <dallas.a.clement at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Forgive me in advance for asking a newb question.  I'm in the process
>> of converting from Yocto/OE.
>> I have the need to populate both an initramfs as well as a rootfs with
>> the contents of packages I build using buildroot.  What is the best
>> way to do this?   Should I create two separate projects, one for the
>> initramfs and one for the rootfs?  Or is there a way to select which
>> contents go in each and keep it all in the same project?
> What we did on our project is we made a new package that we called
> simpleramfs.  It hand-copies a specific list of filenames from the
> "real" output/target/ directory into the simpleramfs project, then
> generates an initramfs cpio in time for the kernel to be compiled.
> We experimented with building twice (once for initramfs and once for
> rootfs), but that's both slow and a maintenance nightmare, and
> resulted in much huger initramfs than we wanted (as well as a lot of
> duplication between initramfs and rootfs).
> Hope this helps.
> Have fun,
> Avery

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